​Roadside & Home Assist
Emergency Number
0861 678 888
​What to do in the Event of a Claim
In the event of a claim, try to remain as calm as possible.
Call our Offices.
Collect as much information as you can, including photos of the area or intersection and the other vehicles license disc and drivers license.
Never admit liability as you may prejudice your Insurers rights.
Call our offices on 011 678-8881. You can also contact the SKYlight Roadside Assistance Call Centre through Global Assist at: 0861 678 888.
Roadside Assistance
Towing Services through Global Choices to the nearest repairer in the event of Accident or Mechanical Breakdown. ​
Home Assistance
Emergency home assistance for the first hour is free. This is useful for burst geysers, electrical problems or if you have just locked yourself outside of your house!
Download Our Claim Forms
All CLAIM FORMS can be found on our Claim Forms page or through the link down bellow.
Our Offices
011 678 8881
Contact Us
Unit 3 Boskruin Buisiness Park, 5 Bosbok Road, Boskruin, Randburg, 2154
Port Elizabeth
Walmer Park Suites,2300 16th Avenue, Walmer, Port Elizabeth, 6070
011 678 8881​
Port Elizabeth
041 368 9090
Emergency Number
Roadside & Home Assistance
0861 678 888
Email Address
Opening Hours
Mon - Fri
8:30 am – 4:30 pm