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Roadside Assistance 


Accident Towing
In the even of the member being involved in an accident, we will arrange to pay up to R1 850 for the vehicle to be towed to the nearest approved repairer. It will be the member’s responsibility to manage the accident directly with the service provider. Additional storage and toe-in services will not be included.


Emergency Tow-In
We will arrange and pay for tow-in service for the member to the nearest approved dealer or competent repairer in the event of:

  • Mechanical breakdown — up R500

  • Electrical breakdown – up to R500


Hotel Accommodation

For Breaking down more than 100km from place of residence resulting in an overnight delay, we will arrange and pay for up to R500 towards hotel accommodation for the and occupants (max six persons). This is on the condition that towing is arranged via Call Centre. 


We will arrange for roadside where the cause of the problem is one of the following:

  • Flat battery: arrange and pay to have the member’s vehicle started

  • Flat tyre; arrange and pay to have spare tyre put onto the member’s vehicle

  • Keys locked in vehicle; arrange and pay for a locksmith to open member’s vehicle

  • Fuel assistance; arrange for fuel to be delivered to member (the cost of fuel will be on member’s account)



​​Car Rental
In lieu of the hotel accommodation option, we will arrange and pay up to R500 for a 24-hour , class-P rental car to enable the member to reach his/her destination. This is subject to the member qualifying for a rental vehicle in terms of car rental company’s terms and conditions. The costs incurred will be confined to rental charges, delivery and collection of the hired vehicle. The car must be surrendered on arrival of the member’s destination

Home Assistance 

Fixtures & Fittings

A home emergency is defined as an event that is potentially life threatening of could possibly cause structural damage to a property.

Overall Limit of R 2 000 per annum per policy

In the event of a home emergency as result of break-age of fixtures and fittings, we will arrange for an appropriate repairer (electrician, plumber, locksmith, glazier etc) to address the problem at the member’s place of residence ( call-out fee and one hour labour is covered, thereafter normal rates apply)


Emergency Services Notification

We will, at the member’s request, relay notification of emergencies to the police, traffic, fire brigade, ambulance, security or any emergency service provider 


​Appliance Referral Service
Members will be referred to an appropriate repairer in the even of faulty appliances (excluding audio and computer equipment). While we are available to coordinate assistance in 24-hour bass, repairs will only be affected during business hours. Any cost incurred will be for the members account.
Only the following are covered: Fridge, freezer, washing machine, tumble dryer and dishwasher.


Please note that this service is only available for on nominated address.


Roadside & Home Assistance 

Emergency Number

0861 678 888

Contact Us



Unit 3 Boskruin Buisiness Park, 5 Bosbok Road, Boskruin, Randburg, 2154




Port Elizabeth

Walmer Park Suites,2300 16th Avenue, Walmer, Port Elizabeth, 6070



011 678 8881​


Port Elizabeth

041 368 9090


Emergency Number

Roadside & Home Assistance

0861 678 888


Email Address



Opening Hours

Mon - Fri



8:30 am – 4:30 pm



SKYlight Brokers (Pty) Ltd is an authorised Financial Service Provider
FSP Number: 1109

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